Lauri Paulo (lauripaulo)

Jogos: 0
Expansões: 0

Jogos Avaliados: 1, média: 0
Expansões Avaliadas: 1, média: 0

Top 10 mais jogados:
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game: 19
Monopoly Deal Card Game: 10
Ticket to Ride: Europe: 9
Runicards: 8
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game: 7
Shadows over Camelot: 7
Flash Point: Fire Rescue: 5
Lords of Waterdeep: 5
Catan: 5
Eight-Minute Empire: 3

Top 10 jogos preferidos:
Ticket to Ride: Europe: 9
Shadows over Camelot: 9
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game: 9
Catan: 9
Lords of Waterdeep: 9
Flash Point: Fire Rescue: 8
Citadels: 8
Legends of Andor: 8
Eldritch Horror: 8
Monopoly Deal Card Game: 7

Top 10 piores jogos:
Dungeon Monsters: 5
Runicards: 6
Monopoly Deal Card Game: 7
Eight-Minute Empire: 7
Tales & Games: The Three Little Pigs: 7
Dogs: 7
Talisman (Revised 4th Edition): 7
Summoner Wars: Phoenix Elves vs Tundra Orcs: 7
Carcassonne: 7
Flash Point: Fire Rescue: 8
